Strategic Marketing Audit

The key findings guide your efforts to achieve credit union success

Often, due to rigorous competition and changes in the marketplace, organizations need an objective view of their marketing strategy and current operations. The strategic marketing audit concentrates on analyzing the environments you operate within, the strategy driving the organization, the marketing organization and delivery systems, and the corporate image. Our team of consultants develops a useful guide to changing a marketing strategy or enhancing an existing one. Included are actionable items for brand positioning, strategies and recommended marketing activities that meet corporate goals and objectives.

Uncover Opportunities with a Strategic Marketing Audit

Using an auditing process, our Strategic Marketing Audit is made up of four assessment areas. These are:

The process includes reviewing data from membership surveys, MCIF or related datamining reports about the membership, products and services offered, and demographics available from the Credit Union. On-site visits are used to review the branch operations, call center and internal departments with interviews of staff and management.

In addition, using these tools, the LemmonTree team is able to competitiveness and effectiveness of the current marketing strategy:

Added to the outcomes from these tools, there are in-depth discussions about marketing strategy and goals with senior management and the marketing team. Finally, to round out the data collected, our consultants shop the area competition and do competitive research in the communities served by the credit union.

The end result is the presentation and supporting document that provides recommendations to enhance current marketing strategy, branding efforts, cross-selling and operations to achieve corporate goals.

Need more information or interested in getting a proposal? Send us an email.

Strategic Marketing Plan

Complementing the data found within the marketing audit, a strategic marketing plan is often requested as part of the assignment. Many times, a client is challenged to develop marketing strategies that provide an edge over the competition while faced with a lean staff and tight budgets. Click here for more information on marketing plans.

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